To Market, To Market to buy a fat....not a pig.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Having Wednesdays off, I always try to plan things that work well in the middle of the week. For those of you who know me, I like to cook grand meals on my days off, so it is very necessary for a mid-week grocery pick-up. Every Saturday morning while I am rolling bread at work, I day dream of being at the farmer's market. So today on my trip to New Season's I passed by the People's Farmer's Market. Located in front of the SE People's Co-op, it is a small, no bigger then 10 tent market that has just what you need. I had to stop when I heard the laughter and music and saw the obvious charm.
A few of the vendors included wild mushrooms, Myriad farms, bodacious flower bouquets, Fressen bakery and a fabulous mother-son tamale operation. There was a strumming guitarist, a vegan hot dog cart and smiles all around. While the rain poured down my friend and I noshed on a monumental mixed vegetable tamale. Topped with their fresh and spicy tomatillo salsa, I was in heaven. Each tamale was a more than fair price of $3.00 and the friendly cook offered five different kinds: chicken, shitake, jalapeno cheese, spinach cheese and vegetable. I conversed with many friendly individuals and was able to finish my mid-week shopping inside the co-op. If your abode is in or near SE I recommend this store and weekly market.
The People's Farmer's Market is held every Wednesday afternoon from 2 pm-7 pm. This is the perfect time if you get off work later in the day or like me, just get a late start. Bring your bags, cash and be ready for some good deals! No worries if you forget cash money you are able to get cash back on debit purchases in the store. Hmmm... I think next Wednesday I will try the vegan hot dog topped with caramelized onions and mustard. MMMm... can't wait till then!


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