BECAUSE you care about your body and what you put into it. Fast food is full of high-fructose corn syrup, corn force-fed beef (that's another post) and sugar sugar sugar!
We at The Foodie Foursome know better than anyone how indredibly taxing it is to go home after a long day of dealing with food at work just to be faced with it again in the kitchen. But we also know that unless you're feeding fifty, making a wholesome, healthy dinner isn't too hard.

I picked up this recipe from coworker and fellow blogger, Meagan. You can find the recipe at her blog Meagan in the Kitchen. The soup takes about an hour to make, but there is plenty of down-time in between to do some chores around the apartment. And instead of buying spices in expensive jars, go to the bulk bin at your grocery store and get exactly how much you need!
I bought the healthiest naan I could find at the market, and cut it into quarters before toasting it until warm and soft. Yum!
Tuesday Night
Brown Rice w/Vegan Sausage and Sun-Dried Tomatoes with Collard Greens and Refried Beans
This is so easy! Start your brown rice, then get a big pot of water boiling on another burner and add your greens. Also add any spices or seasonings that you like. When you're about 10 minutes out on both the rice and greens, saute some cut-up sausage in a pan with a few sun-dried tomatoes and pop some beans into the microwave (you can be healthier and use black beans instead). Then, voila! Dinner is served.
Wednesday Night
Tempeh Stir-Fry over Bulgur

Cook the tempeh according to package instructions, and in the meantime follow these easy instructions to make bulgur. If you've never had bulgur before it's a lot like brown rice, but with a nuttier, crunchier taste and texture. Before the two are done, chop up some colorful peppers and red onion and saute in a pan. I like to add a touch of teriyaki sauce or Bragg's Liquid Aminos. Then throw it all together and dig in!
Thursday Night
Pan-Fried Tofu, Balsamic Brussel Sprouts and Mashed Sweet Potatoes

Peel some sweet potatoes and throw them in a pot of water. Let them cook and make the brussel sprouts. After that's gotten into the oven, mash the potatoes in a kitchen-aid or with a hand mixer, and add a little milk to soften and salt and pepper to taste. Then throw the tofu on (it won't take long) and one more dinner in the books!

It's Friday, therefore it's simple. Stir-fry vegetables. Put said vegetables on a bed of lettuce. Add cheese if appropriate. The end!

For those of you who are lucky enough to have weekends off, treat yourself with this easy breakfast. Make the muffins the night before, and be sure to wrap them tight so they don't dry out. When you wake up the next morning refreshed from your week of healthy meals, cut up some fruit. Try to make sure it's organic and in-season (get it at your local farmer's market if possible!). For the yogurt, I like Nancy's Organic Nonfat Plain Yogurt. I'll top it with whatever I have on hand: honey, cinnamon, granola, whatever! And don't forget the coffee.
Enjoy your week of eating well! Unless you actually want to be eating something like this, then be my guest...

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